What are simple ways to implement the Six Pillars of Character? Linda Kennedy, principal at New Hampton Elementary, shares how much her community values character in everyday life and what her school is doing to show that.
When something goes terribly wrong, people in this community often say,
“We are a CHARACTER COUNTS! community. This should not be happening here.”
A community needs laws and rules by which citizens can live and thrive. A community needs a framework such as the Six Pillars of Character to help young people develop civic values that are important in not just living, but thriving. This framework can also have amazing effects on adults as well.
I believe that many people in our community value good character and thus, are more likely to be happy and fulfilled. I believe a person of good character delights in the good and therefore, finds happiness in doing the good. However, the person of bad character delights in the bad and probably finds happiness in doing the bad. So perhaps we could say that the person of character is more likely to bring happiness to others in seeking fulfillment for their own lives. The person without good character is less likely to bring happiness to others in seeking fulfillment for their own lives. They are less likely to be significant to others.
CHARACTER COUNTS! in New Hampton has offered our young people a clear set of values that tell our kids what is worthy of value. In order to preach this to our young, we have to practice it. And that is what makes New Hampton a great place to live.
During December of 2011, our New Hampton Elementary students focused on the caring pillar and participated in a service project. The seventeen K – 4 classrooms made 34 fleece blankets and delivered them to personnel at Mercy Hospital along with many get-well cards. These blankets and cards will be distributed to patients at the hospital in need of a little extra comfort a soft and warm fleece blanket might afford throughout 2012. That project is only one of many that happen on a daily basis in New Hampton where character does count!